Lease renewal

If you face a forthcoming lease renewal, it is crucial to be proactive and to understand what your rights/ objectives are in order to secure the best possible deal. Some commercial leases are 'protected' by the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954, which means that the landlord must grant you a new lease (except in certain circumstances) or unless you have substantively breached the terms of that lease.

Under normal circumstances your landlord will serve the appropriate notice on you and there are prescribed timescales for responding. It is important to seek advice so that you do not prejudice your rights. Extensive research into comparable evidence is essential before entering detailed negotiations and we are well placed to deal with this and all aspects of the process.

We would negotiate the main heads of terms, to include the new rent along with the other terms of the lease. We have the experience and expertise to act for you and to liaise with your solicitors, eventually seeing the matter through to completion of a new lease.